WISH you could perform deliberate movement consistently and predictably WITHOUT crashing and the head f*** of working it out by yourself?
The Baseline Club is the #1 membership program for long COVID or chronic illness warriors THAT will help you move consistently, whilst avoiding relapses so you stop de-conditioning, AND instead gradually build back exercise tolerance as you recover.
If you struggle to find your exercise baseline OR feel fearful about introducing movement AND find yourself saying “I wish I always knew EXACTLY what and how much to do to avoid symptom kickback” - this membership is for you!

I am calling it: your exercise baseline is dependent on finding the amount of movement, no matter how small, that you can perform repeatedly without crashing.
IN FACT, establishing your baseline is key to gradually build back your exercise tolerance, whilst not taking away much needed energy for healing.
AND if that wasn’t reason enough to pay attention…
✅ With this you gain predictability, whilst knowing with 100% confidence know when it is safe to progress.
✅ You will unlearn exercise fear as your body gradually adapts without symptom kickback.
✅ And you will safely build back the health of your muscles and joints, making you less susceptible to injury when you are more recovered and ready to fully recondition.
...yet perhaps most importantly you will reconnect with your body in a way that starts to give you back your sense of ATHLETIC self!
Buuuuuuuuuuut you might feel right now that deliberate movement with your condition is impossible, plus so bloody confusing.
You're likely struggling with a magnitude of symptoms that simply make getting out of bed or through each day hard, so struggle to see how you might incorporate movement.
You might be really frustrated with the same level of movement being ok one day but not the next.
Yet you're really wanting to exercise, as you can feel your body becoming more and more de-conditioned, but are hindered by not knowing what to do.
This situation likely leaves you feeling fed up and like you are getting further and further away from your athletic self.
What if you were given a PROVEN FORMULA to find your movement baseline from a long COVID trainer who used this EXACT APPROACH to build back her exercise tolerance until she was recovered?
I know how hard it is, because I’ve been you.
Early on with long COVID I was guilty of doing too much, trying to train like I used to on better days and I got burnt by graded exercise therapy.
That is why I created The Baseline Club - it’s the proven way to ensure you:
🚀 Adopt the mindset required to succeed at your baseline.
🚀 Perform the right type of movement to avoid fatigue.
🚀 Never do more than you can tolerate.
🚀 Know exactly when and how to progress as you recover and build capacity.
It is the key to building back a consistent exercise habit, without flare ups.
P.S - I am so confident in what I have created inside the membership, that if you DON’T feel it's for you, for whatever reason, there is a full 7 day money-back guarantee. 🥰
Going from this:
⛔ Terrified to move because every time you try, it triggers a relapse that leaves you bedridden for days.
⛔ Confused by sporadic exercise that always ends up making you feel worse instead of better.
⛔ Dis-belief that sticking to any form of exercise routine is possible.
⛔ Scarred by graded exercise therapy and the trauma it caused.
⛔ Frustrated that your body feels more de-conditioned every day, and losing hope of ever feeling strong again.
To this:
✅ Confidently engaging in a movement routine that you know avoids flare-ups.
✅ Empowered by knowledge of exactly what your body can handle and progressing safely without setbacks.
✅ Amazed that you are moving consistently because of a flexible program that adjusts to your daily energy.
✅ Singing from the roof tops because you’ve finally found a method that works.
✅ Smiling because you’ve rediscovered your muscles and believe that you will be athletic again.
Ready for this to be you?
Here's how current member Paula is progressing.

For the first time in 4.5 years, I feel safe moving without the fear of PEM. Rachael’s Baseline Club program is so thoughtfully designed that I know I can’t overdo it.
Her understanding of the complexities of long COVID is clear—unlike other programs that pushed me too fast, The Baseline Club has restored my confidence and helped ease the fight-or-flight reactions my body used to have to movement.
Since joining, I feel more at home in my body, and have quickly seen results, even dancing on holiday without experiencing PEM. The affordability and trust in Rachael's care, adds to my sense of safety.
She’s created authentic hope for those of us with long COVID.
It's time to discover...
Say goodbye to the head f*** of exercise with long COVID, and say hello to absolutely clarity, and healthier muscles without compromising your recovery.

Here's what you get when you join...
#1 The Baseline Formula Video Course (Valued at £97)
I know how confusing movement and recovery can be, so I have designed The Baseline Formula Training Course to simplify the path to consistent, safe movement that avoids relapses and supports you in rebuilding your exercise tolerance.
When you sign up, you will get immediate access to 6 video lessons to complete before you start the Baseline Movement Program, so you are no longer in any doubt about what to do.
The best bit?
Each lesson is a snappy 5 minutes or less, equipping you with the essential information without draining your battery.

Lesson 1
The 3 Most Common Exercise Mistakes
✅ Understand the common pitfalls that The Baseline Formula and program will help you avoid for good.
Lesson 2
Consistency Over Progression
✅ Learn how to adopt this fundamental mindset shift crucial to your success.
Lesson 3
Core Component: Muscle Activation - The Basics
✅ Discover what muscle activation is and why it is most effective at safely building back exercise tolerance.
Lesson 4
Core Component: Dosage - Finding the Sweet Spot
✅ Master 3 key guiding principles to consistently avoid overexertion and prevent symptom kickback.
Lesson 5
Core Component: Predictable Progression
✅ Learn strategies to safely and sustainably advance your baseline within the movement program.
Lesson 6
Discover Your Starting Point
✅ Identify exactly where to begin with the movement program for your stage of recovery.
#2 The Baseline Movement Program
(valued at £247)
Apply what you learn from the video course to the EXACT movement program I followed during my long COVID recovery
No more confusion. It is the ONLY program you need for your ENTIRE recovery.
Each workout is carefully crafted to safely switch back on dormant muscles, improve your posture, increase your mobility as you heal.
Inside you will find:
3 distinct levels of expert programming to support you from bed-bound to recovered.
32 short low impact sessions containing mobility, muscle activation and yin yoga stretches.
Demo videos and coaching cues for every exercise. You will literally have me in your pocket!

And just to be clear...this is NOT graded exercise therapy. The program and guidelines will ensure you never overexert yourself!

#3 Unlimited DM Coaching Support
(valued at £1200)
Get help whenever you need it, with UNLIMITED member initiated chat and a response time of 24hrs or less.
I will be your personal coach as long as you are a member, providing tailored support to ensure you establish and progress your movement baseline.
I will also help with anything related to the course, movement program, recovery, goals, habits and mindset to support you as best I can.
This method of coaching enables you to get incredibly valuable 121 support at an affordable price.
Listen to how The Baseline Club helps warriors like you.
Jennifer, USA
Fleur, New Zealand
Make finding your baseline even easier with these bonus's...
Bonus #1 The Rebound Athletic App
(valued at £240)
Your membership includes access to our fast, super easy to use app - powered by Trainerize.
If the idea of a written program, with links to YouTube and having to switch on your laptop to access a course area sounds like your worse nightmare, you will LOVE this benefit.
EVERYTHING you need is inside including the video course, movement program, coaching support and community.

Bonus #2 Rebound Roadmap Toolkit
(valued at = £80)
With this bonus you'll create your PERSONALISED Rebound Roadmap made up of habits that are strategically tied to achieving your movement and health goals.
This is a live document that you are encouraged visit every few months and includes a handy visual progress tracker, so you can easily reflect how far you have come.

Bonus #3 Baseline Buddies
(valued at £250)
Inside the app is a messaging group to connect with others that understand your journey, giving you an EXTRA layer of support.
This private community is safe space to ask questions, cheer each other, celebrate wins, and make new friends.
Plus you get to hang out on a platform that WON'T distract you or send you down draining rabbit holes.

🚀 The Baseline Formula Video Course
🚀 The Baseline Movement Program
🚀 Unlimited DM Coaching
➕ Access to the Rebound Athletic App
➕ The Rebound Roadmap Toolkit
➕ Baseline Buddies

Get all of this for...
Cancel any time. 7 day money back guarantee.
Why am I the one to support you?

Hi, I’m Rachael, an ex-athlete, personal trainer, and toddler mum.
Having experienced long COVID first hand I know deeply the physical and emotional struggle. I also know many of you find navigating movement really confusing and unpredictable.
But because I know from experience it doesn’t have to be, I created The Baseline Club to give you absolute clarity on how to approach deliberate movement during recovery.
I am giving it my best shot because I know how it feels to get this right, the sense of self you start to get back and belief that eventually you will one day be athletic again. And I want that for you!
I truly believe that every long COVID or chronic illness warrior deserves a helping hand in a way they can afford at any time they need it, to establish, maintain and progress their movement baseline as they heal and this solution does just that.
I’d be honoured to support you with this important part of your journey.
I hope to see you inside.
Here's what people have told Google about working with Rachael and Rebound Athletic
Money back gaurantee
And in case you were worried - joining is risk-free! You're protected by a 7-day "money-back guarantee"
If past experiences with movement have made you cautious, I want to ensure you can confidently try out The Baseline Club without a worry.
Why? Because I’m so sure that you'll love how the course and movement program leaves you with no ambiguity about how to approach movement.
And with my coaching support, you will feel understood and confident about achieving your goals.
Work through The Baseline Formula Video Course, start the Baseline Movement Program, complete your Rebound Roadmap, ask for my help and if you don't feel it will work for you I'll refund your first payment.
There's absolutely nothing to lose. It's that simple.
You might be thinking right now HMMM this sounds AMAZING but I am too unwell to even contemplate deliberate movement.
...BUT here’s why you CAN do it!
The correct type of movement at the right dose will NOT exacerbate your symptoms, no matter how low your capacity is.
But you’ve probably not had the right guidance (until now) to ascertain what your body can handle.
It's common to feel hesitant or scared, trust me I’ve been there a thousand times, but here's the thing:, The Baseline Club is designed to guide and support you at every step, so you build confidence in your exercise tolerance and keep fear at bay.
So, what would the fearless warrior version of you choose to do right now?
Wondering if The Baseline Club is for you?
The million dollar question but if you check many or all the boxes, The Baseline Club has been designed for you.
You’re a long COVID or chronic illness warrior who has lost their athletic identity and is finding any kind of movement consistency impossible.
You struggle to incorporate movement without taking from the energy required to heal or simply get through your day.
You know movement is crucial to building back your capacity and for your overall recovery but you've yet to find an approach that works.
You are fed up with trying to navigate movement and your condition on your own, or have had a bad experience and wish you could work with a coach who gets it and gets you.
You worry about the cost of hiring a coach having spent so much trying to recover already, so would love an affordable solution.
You could have wins like this too!

You’ve reached the end, and since you’re still here deciding if this is for you, there’s one last thing I will say:
If you're still here, reading this, it means you have a deep desire to exercise consistently in a way that keeps your joints and muscles healthy as you heal.
You've seen what’s possible with my story and those of my clients, and deep down, you know you have nothing to lose but maybe there's the all too familiar little voice of doubt or fear whispering in your ear.
...But remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes.
This isn’t just about accessing a proven formula and program, it's about instilling hope and belief that you will recover and be athletic again.
And as I know you CAN, I will be with you every step of the way.
When the tough times challenge your belief, I will hold it for you.
So I want you to imagine a future when you can live and exercise without hesitation or even a thought.
It’s possible.
You're not just joining a membership program, you’re stepping into a new chapter of your recovery journey.
🚀 The Baseline Formula Video Course
🚀 The Baseline Movement Program
🚀 Unlimited DM Coaching
➕ Access to the Rebound Athletic App
➕ The Rebound Roadmap Toolkit
➕ Baseline Buddies

Get all of this for...
Cancel any time. 7 day money back guarantee.