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The rebound roadmap: 10-3-2-1-0 SLEEP METHOD

Rachael Heath-Porsz

Welcome to The Rebound Roadmap, brought to you by Rebound Athletic - an online fitness provider dedicated to helping people get fit and strong again after life’s setbacks.

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In my early twenties, this is how conversations would unfold in my parents' house:

Mum: "Rach, you look tired. Don't you think you should get more rest?" Me: "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

I believed I would have boundless energy forever, or at least I lived as if I did.

Now at 38, while a part of me longs for that youthful ignorance, the tables have turned. Annoyingly perhaps, I find myself advocating better sleep habits to my parents.

Sleep is the foundation upon which our well-being stands. Quality sleep cultivates resilience, enhances productivity, fosters longevity, boosts the immune system, energises the body, and so much more.

In this modern age, we're constantly bombarded by stimuli, facing numerous stressors that make achieving quality sleep a challenge. Yet, many individuals (yes, parents, that includes you) fail to employ strategies to counter these factors and then wonder why their sleep is lacking.

I know my parents read this newsletter, so this one is for everyone, but especially for them.

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Impact (9/10)

The quality of our sleep affects how we train, recover, and eat. Unsurprisingly, it's one of the first habits I address with my clients.

Sleep experts often recommend the 10-3-2-1-0 sleep method. Here’s how it works:

No caffeine 10 hours before bedtime: Caffeine blocks adenosine, a sleep-promoting chemical. Tolerance varies, so you could start with 6 or 8 hours and increase if necessary.

No food 3 hours before bed: Eating close to bedtime forces your body into digestion mode, a function less effective in a horizontal position. It can also confuse your circadian rhythm, hindering sleep. Alcohol falls under this category too, disrupting REM sleep and causing fatigue.

No work 2 hours before bed: The stress of the workday can lead to anxiety and a racing mind. Mute notifications and stow away your devices.

No screens 1 hour before bed: Screens keep us alert, decrease melatonin production, and the content consumed may lead to overthinking when trying to sleep.

Hit snooze 0 times: The sleep between snoozes disrupts REM sleep, leading to grogginess. Hitting snooze can trigger a state of flight or fight, not an ideal start to your day.

Confidence (7/10)

Many ADHDers struggle with sleep problems due to biological reasons such as melatonin dysregulation and/or stimulant medication. ADHD clinicians often advise the 10-3-2-1-0 sleep method.

I despise The Daily Mail (apologies if that offends anyone), but I'm aware certain demographics find it trustworthy. So, parents, for you: The Daily Mail has, for once, shared something accurate and helpful, albeit with their typical sensationalism and negative language. It wouldn't be The Mail otherwise.

Ease (9/10)

If you want better sleep you have to make habit changes.

In the Rebound Method program I teach something called ‘momentum habits.’ The idea is you start small, then incrementally build towards bigger and sustainable changes.

The 10-3-2-1 sleep method is the perfect testbed for this concept. And by introducing the tactics one by one you may also notice which triggers impact your sleep the most.

Final thought

The 10-3-2-1-0 sleep method is a routine that regulates when you should stop doing certain activities before your normal bedtime to help ensure a good night's sleep. To recap:

  • Stop caffeine 10 hours before bed.

  • Avoid food and alcohol 3 hours before bed.

  • Stop working 2 hours before bed.

  • No screens 1 hour before bed.

  • Hit the snooze button 0 times.


When you are ready. Here are two more ways I can help you:

The Baseline Club.  Affordable monthly coaching, to help you perform deliberate movement consistently and safely build back your exercise tolerance, keeping your muscles and joints healthy as you heal. Learn more.


The 90 Day Rebound Method. A unique reconditioning program with a 100% success rate! for long COVID and chronic illness warriors no longer experience PEM and are ready to get their strength back in a progressive yet safe way. Take a closer look.


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